We’re a dedicated team who bring to their work extensive experience in teaching and parenting. We’re passionate about helping build confident kids who are confident about their bodies. We love to chat and regularly travel to primary and high schools around south-east Queensland, delivering a range of workshops that are fun and engaging.

Mandy Stephens

Mandy Stephens

founder and educator

Mandy’s Story

Mandy Stephens began her career in social work supporting people to live independent and valued lives. Since completing a Bachelor of Education in 2004, Mandy has been working with children and young people in a variety of ways, both in and out of the classroom.

Prior to establishing Let’s Chat, Mandy worked in education and health promotion for six years to promote and support improved relationships and sexuality education. Her framework is one based on respect, strengths and empowerment.

As a mother of three and a former classroom teacher, Mandy is well aware of the increasing demands placed on parents, caregivers and schools to educate and raise children to be happy, healthy and confident individuals. Her vision is to support this process by offering avenues to have positive and meaningful chats about sexuality and relationships.

Mandy holds a Bachelor of Social Work and a Bachelor of Education.

Andrea McKim

Andrea McKim


Andrea’s Story

Andrea McKim’s speciality is coaching and counselling, focusing on developmental psychology in children and young adults. She has previously worked at UBalancer Solutions in high schools and universities facilitating learning through quality coaching and appropriate development interventions which made a real impact to the students’ wellbeing.

Andrea is passionate about teaching positive health education through open interactive communication, empowering young people to tackle puberty with confidence. Being a mother of adult triplets and a teenage son, Andrea has been the resident sex educator at home for some time. She combines her formal education with life experience which enables her presentations to be accessible and reassuring to all students.

Andrea holds a Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching).

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson


Rebecca’s Story

Rebecca Johnson is a passionate health educator with more than 15 years experience across secondary and primary schools in Queensland and Victoria.

Rebecca began her career as an HPE and science teacher in secondary schools but her drive to empower young people led her to broaden her experience as a health promotion and education officer within a Family Planning Association. Here she had the opportunity to develop her relationships and sexuality education (RSE) experience by working with young people within schools including young people with a disability and with professionals.

Rebecca is a mother to two active girls and is passionate about promoting healthy and positive experiences for children and young people.

Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Movement Studies and Education and Masters in Health Promotion.

Holly Cormack

Holly Cormack


Holly’s Story

Holly Cormack is an experienced facilitator and coach having spent most of her career in various corporate roles focusing on learning and development, in particular communication and emotional Intelligence. Moving to Brisbane in 2020 Holly was excited to move into classrooms and apply her extensive facilitation skills and knowledge to a younger audience working with children to build confidence and comfort during puberty and beyond. 

In addition to her role with Let’s Chat Holly is a mother to three busy school aged children, her real-life experiences with her own children allow her to have empathy and insights which she draws on in the classroom. Holly is an avid sportsperson (more watching these days than playing) 

Holly holds a BA In Psychology and a Master’s degree in Organisational Psychology. 

Jodi Frankland

Jodi Frankland


Jodi’s Story

Jodi Frankland has been a Registered Nurse for over twenty years, having worked in hospitals, corporate organisations, non-profits, and within the community, both in Australia and the U.K. Along the way, Jodi has gained experience in training, assessment, and education, working with healthcare professionals, disability workers, corporate employees, and primary and high school teachers, an aspect of her work she thoroughly enjoys.  

Jodi loves working with children and as a mum of two primary school aged girls, she is particularly sensitive to the needs of children in a highly connected and online world.  Jodi is passionate about the safety of children, has undertaken several child protection courses, and is proud to be a part of the of the Let’s Chat team.

Jodi is a Registered Nurse.
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